Friday, September 5, 2008

China interview!!!

So today I have my interview for the international language program.  I am really nervous but excited at the same time.  Just to fill you in on what the international language program (ilp)  is. It is a program that let's people around my age group go to Russia, Ukraine, or China to teach children english for 5 months!!! I turned in my application a month ago, so now I have my interview. I want to go to the China program! Wish me Luck today!!! 


Margo said...

Love your music, blog layout, and good luck on your interview today. I am sure you will do fine. Let me know how it went. And Thank you for coming last nite to watch my kids. You are a truly life saver. I love you. If you need some help with french don't hesitate to call me.

kejora said...

came across ur site while blog hopping...u r such a lively person...all the best with ur interview...keep on writing yaa!